One Simple Rule For Acing Life

Word count:5762

hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this episode I want to give you one really simple rule for acing life okay so this rule is so super simple so stupidly simple that it's really profound in how its tentacles reach out into every aspect of your life this is a big one this is huge right here but it's very simple and because it's so simple you might overlook it and you might dismiss it as just like oh I kind of already knew that but I encourage you to actually stick with me here and to contemplate the significance of what I'm about to tell you because this is a very significant and a very profound insight here's the rule the one rule that you need for acing life always do what's emotionally most difficult always do the thing that's emotionally most difficult to do in whatever situation you find yourself in this is the exact opposite if you take a moment to think about it the exact opposite of what most people do it's the exact opposite of what you do in almost every situation and this is the mother of all screw-ups and problems and frustrations in life is this what most people do is they do the exact opposite in a sense that they're looking for the most emotionally convenient and comfortable and easy thing that they can do in life and they think that that's going to lead to the most cushy comfortable and pleasant life that one can have but actually what it does count is that it leads to a mediocre and very frustrating kind of life so to really hammer this point home I want to give you a whole list of examples of how this principle applies to many different contexts in life because it applies to everything it applies to your relationships it applies to business it applies to your health to your finances to your mood to the way you think to the goals you pursue in life everything literally everything and the trick about it is is that it's a very counterintuitive thing counterintuitive living a good life is counterintuitive remember that that means you have to go against what the herd is doing against the grain of what most people do in society the problem is and this takes a lot of personal development work to finally start to appreciate and become aware of is that the way that your mind is designed to run is that your emotional system is rigged to unconsciously pursue comfort and basically what you're doing in your entire life we could sum up your whole life this way is that you're like a weasel trying to weasel your way in for emotional security and comfort that's all you basically want out of life emotional security and comfort and you're not conscious that you do this and I mean I could tell you about this and you might say like oh yeah I kind of understand what you're talking about leo like yeah it makes sense and you know I'm kind of loosely aware of this but see you don't see how far these tentacles reach into all the different facets of your life and how it infects everything you do and it robs you of all the joy and the really amazing things that you can find in life is this this weaselly attitude you're like this little weasel always trying to find a shortcut to emotional comfort that's what you're always looking for and it takes a lot of work on yourself a lot of studying of your own psychology to start to see like oh my god this is like the prime directive of human beings this is all that human beings basically do this is like our mission in life is to be this emotional weasel this is all that we do everything we do is motivated by this is it's it's quite profound when you start to actually see how this abstract principle that I'm giving you here applies and connects to specific situations in your life and the life of your friends and your family and all the problems that creates it creates a lot of fallout this one here takes a lot of awareness development of awareness and start to see it and that's just to start to see it I'm not even talking about starting to unwire it first you got to see it first you got to recognize it then you got to ask the question like holy [ __ ] how do I on wire this thing how do I start on why this mechanism because you realize like Danny I I can't live a good life when my prime directive in life is to seek emotional security and comfort it's not possible to live a good life that way you must unwire this mechanism and the problem is that this mechanism is unconscious it's largely unconscious it's largely automatic it happens automatically it's the default thing that the human mind does like a robot you've been programmed to be an emotional weasel and what's even worse to throw gasoline on the fire here is that society and our education system and our political system and the culture that you grew up in and business all of these create an unholy alliance which is rigged against you and it's really designed to cater to that emotional weasel that's within you you see this everywhere in society our language our books our advertising the products people sell you our education system our political system religions you name it whatever it is it's all rigged to satisfy that emotional weasel within you and to give you a comfortable cushy easy emotionally easy life that's what it's all rigged for now you might think like well what's wrong with that I mean why would I want an emotionally challenging in a stressful life why would I want that don't we want an easy comfortable existence but see the problem is is that the the human body and the human mind aren't really designed for that they're actually designed to to need challenge in order to feel satisfied if we take the human body and we just hook it up to an IV full of opiates like morphine or heroin you would think like man that's that's the best kind of life right I'm just getting pure injections of chemical pleasure into my veins into my brain directly what could be wrong with that that's what I want but of course some we know what the problem is with that right it doesn't work it's not sustainable that's not really the kind of life you want that's like a vegetable like a vegetable state that's a brain-dead kind of life what you want instead I would suggest to you is you don't want an emotionally easy life you want to self-actualize life that's the life you really want but this is counterintuitive because the self actualized life is not the emotionally easy life it's the emotionally challenging life and in the moment when you try to actually live it and implement it it going to feel challenging and you're going to quit you're going to fall off track and you're going to fall back into your emotional Weasley kind of life and then you're going to wonder like why am i depressed why am i anxious why am i unsatisfied why am I not getting the success that I want and the the whole reason is because you're doing the things that are emotionally easy rather than the things that are emotionally challenging so this is a counter to a thing you have to really go against the grain against the grain of society and also against the grain of your own natural almost biological tendencies and that's what makes this a really challenging journey it's also what makes it a rare journey right not very many people in life choose to go with the self actualized life they chose they choose to go with the emotional weasel so let me give you some examples I want to list out a lot so you can see how this abstract principle applies okay so in school let's take school in school the emotionally difficult thing to do is to actually read the textbook from cover to cover how about in college in college the emotionally difficult thing to do is to take the hardest classes your mind doesn't want you to take the cartas classes that's difficult how about on YouTube when you're browsing around on YouTube the emotionally difficult thing to do is to not click on one of those stupid cat videos when you're afraid in general anywhere in life when you're afraid the emotionally difficult thing to do is to not panic and to not feed into your fear with more worry about a relationship in a relationship the emotionally difficult thing to do is to learn how to establish clear lines of communication that not what most people do in intimate relationships how about when losing weight the emotionally difficult thing to do is to actually give up sweets and to get your ass into the gym consistently that's the emotionally difficult thing to do the easy thing and this is where society preys on you and business preys on you is to say something like oh I'm going to just go get some liposuction or I you know I saw this ad the other day for how I can get how I can get slim by eating chocolate I actually saw this this was funny I was driving to a to a Asian food market and there was a car like a van parked there and this was somebody's business on this van you know how they have advertisements on the van if it's like a small business well this person had this advertisement it says something along the lines of lose fat by eating chocolate that was there that was their business model lose fat by eating chocolate so what is that doing that's appealing to the emotional weasel within you it's like yes I want to be slim and healthy but also I want to be picking out on chocolate and bacon so what's the most popular diet that we can come up with it's the bacon and chocolate diet and I'm sure that there probably is one like that because some clever marketer has figured out how to appeal to that low consciousness emotional weasel within you and they know that you're going to buy a lot of [ __ ] from them you're going to buy their book and you're going to buy their products and you're going to buy their chocolate-covered bacon wrapped in tin foil and all this stuff you know you're going to buy all that stuff because you're emotional weasel is going to want to do the easy thing not the difficult thing the difficult thing is just say you know what I got to give up bacon and maybe I got to give up chocolate and maybe I give got to give up you know eating ginormous portions of food like they serve in America maybe have to give some of that up so that I could get my health back in return more examples in an argument when you're having an argument the emotionally difficult thing is to consider that you might be the wrong one your mind does not want to do that your mind wants to insist that it's right how about in a debate when you're having a debate the emotionally difficult thing is to adopt the other perspective the other side to step in the into the other person's shoes the mind doesn't like to do that either it likes to insist that it's got the right perspective already in church the mostly difficult thing to do is to question all your beliefs and all the beliefs and dogma of the church your mind doesn't want to do that if you grew up in that one church and you have this faith in this church you the last thing you want to do is question all your beliefs about the church when you're dating the emotionally difficult thing to do when you see that girl or that guy that you really like anything is cute is to walk up to them to say hey you know I notice you thought you were kind of cute and I just wanted to come over and get to know you that's the emotionally difficult thing to do when you're being criticized the emotionally difficult thing to do is to consider the criticism seriously to actually use the criticisms to try to evaluate your own behaviors and to take it as feedback to see how you might improve in life in general the emotional difficult thing to do is just to sit down and to turn off your mind and to meditate this one's huge most people cannot wrap their mind around this this idea that someone could develop a habit of meditation where they sit down for a whole hour in their day and do absolutely nothing but just sit in silence that that could somehow be beneficial to one psyche this is completely outside most people's realities and it's a real shame because this one habit if they did it every day would completely transform the success that they get in their life their level of happiness and really their entire worldview something this simple could just completely revolutionize your whole life and yet you don't do it and even after I tell you all this you still won't do it because your emotional weasel mind doesn't like the emotional challenge of sitting there and being bored out of your mind and not doing anything your emotional weasel mind tells you hey need to go do stuff let's go to that party let's go read a book let's go watch a movie let's go talk to our friends let's go post some stuff on Facebook whatever that's what it does and resisting that is exactly what I'm talking about here it's difficult when you're presenting information to people the emotionally difficult thing to do is to present the facts objectively without exaggerating them in business the emotionally difficult thing to do is to create lots of value massive quantities of value for people without asking for payment in return most people cannot wrap their mind around this it seems very counterintuitive to them they only want to work and do an output of massive value only if there's a prospect of massive payment in return and so they are never able to start a successful business in taking a self-help program the emotionally difficult thing to do is to actually sit down and do every assignment and exercise that you were told in the program rather than just skipping through them and telling yourself at all just do it some other day in spiritual work if you're a spiritual person if you have spiritual ambitions the emotionally difficult thing to do there is to admit your own wishful thinking it's to say oh all my ideas about spirituality what it is and how it works complete fiction complete nonsense complete [ __ ] and that's what you have to do if you want to make progress spiritually like real spiritual progress you have to do that but that's exactly what people do not do in fact what they do is they use their spiritual work in their spiritual pursuits to do the exact opposite is completely counterintuitive what they do is they use their spiritual pursuits to entrench their wishful thinking and their dogmas even deeper in life in general the emotionally difficult thing to do is to question your culture whatever culture you grew up in try questioning your culture it's very challenging very counterintuitive thing like Leo why would I even want to question my culture what would be the benefit of that but there's enormous benefits to that if you can summon the courage to do it and managing your finances the mostly difficult thing to do is to save money for retirement to actually take money out of your paycheck today and put it into an IRA account that you're not going to see or touch for 40 years perhaps and to do that consistently year after year month after month that's very counterintuitive to our brain because our brain does not like to delay gratification it wants gratification now in having sex the emotionally difficult thing to do is to use a condom with your health the emotionally difficult thing to do is to go get that scary lab test done that you don't want to get done because you're afraid of what it might mean about your health that's emotionally difficult and most people just sweep that under the rug month after month year after year and then maybe they get cancer or something that they could have prevented in business the mostly difficult thing to do is to not take shortcuts and to not go after get-rich-quick schemes but to build a solid business on a solid foundation in life in general the emotional difficult thing to do is to not do what your friends and family are doing whatever line of work your friends and family are in to not do that that's difficult whatever beliefs your friends or your family have to not believe that that's difficult that's counterintuitive it's like bhalil why would I not believe what my family or my friends believe or do what they do or have the same hobbies that they have but if you have wisdom and you can see a little bit further down the road you can see enormous benefits from that when you're angry the emotionally difficult thing to do is to to stay mindful through that anger and to not lose yourself in it and whenever you get power in life the emotionally difficult thing to do is to not abuse that power history and psychological experiments have proven to us very clearly how easy it is for the human mind to abuse its power in relationships in political positions in positions of leadership wherever you find it so that's a small list of examples and it really is just a small list because we're just scratching the tip of the iceberg here this thing goes really deep notice that in all these situations if the person just follow this one principle that I'm giving you here which is simply do the thing that's emotionally difficult they would get extraordinary results in life they would get success beyond their wildest dreams they would have incredible relationships they would have so much money they wouldn't even need to worry about money anymore they would have incredible mood depression anxiety these would be distant dreams this distant memories for a person that follows this principle their health would be outstanding um just every facet of life would go beautifully and you would basically be living the self-actualized life if you did this but is difficult so even though it might seem like hey Leo is giving you a simple little shortcut for life if you take it that way that's actually not what I'm giving you here because it's difficult to implement this is the exact opposite of really what you want this advice is the exact opposite usually the advice you want to something hey here's a magic peel to solve this problem for you effortlessly and that's not what I'm telling you here see what I'm giving you here is kind of like that real high-quality timeless advice that maybe your grandparents would give you when they tell you to be honest and to have a strong work ethic and that kind of [ __ ] right they tell you something like that and you just say well yeah we all know that but you know wouldn't it be nice if I got a little shortcut here a little shortcut there and so your mind is always looking for shortcuts and because your mind is always looking for shortcuts business and society and politics and all this stuff in religion all of this is catering to that in you why because they want your business they want your approval they want your vote they want your donations whatever it is right and you know what they're not going to fight your weasely mind for you don't expect business to fight that for you so when that guy has that advertisement on the side of his van that says that you can lose lots of weight by eating chocolate and that that's a legitimate way to go about losing weight then you know I mean a sense is kind of like men that that guy is really unethical in the way that he's doing its business and that that that's one of the things that frustrates frustrates me a lot about business gives me a lot of klomps about doing business is that I see a lot of unethical business and a lot of unethical advertising people just trying to sell you [ __ ] that you don't need that doesn't work that that they're not honest about that's not a long-term sustainable solution it's just like a quick little magic pill which is ultimately just going to postpone your real serious problems till the very end which is actually why I got really passionate about actualised org is because I feel like the material that I present here is kind of the antithesis of all that it's the exact opposite I don't really like to come up here and give you magic pill solutions I like to go deep on topics I like to talk about these things so you really get a deep understanding which is sustainable and then you can actually use it to do hard work in your life you can actually do some kind of heavy lifting with these psychological concepts because that's what I found you need to generate legitimate stable long-term success and fulfillment in life but that's not what most people want most people are [ __ ] lazy they're being a weasel and you know I'm part of this too as I was coming in with this list I actually got a little angry it's coming up with this list I'm like [ __ ] you know a lot of the things on this list is like man I struggle with that stuff too and there's there's plenty of stuff in my life where I'm not able to to follow this principle of doing the emotionally difficult thing all the time simply because I forget and I get lazy I get complacent you know life nowadays is so easy compared to the way it was in the old days and society and business is just it's just feeding into this and it's just it's just really getting toxic it's getting to the point of like we're living in almost like an abusive relationship with society it's quite bad it's quite bad you know how you can have an abusive intimate relationship it's terrible for you just kind of keep coming back to it and coming back to it coming back to it even though you know it's terrible for you and the other person just keeps eating into and feeding into it and just it's like it's just a spiral into hell well that's kind of like what's happening with society right now and it's weird because it's like you know we've got modern scientific understanding and we have technological amazing breakthroughs the things we can do with computers and the internet nowadays and airplane travel and flying to space and we it seems like society is making so much progress but you know psychologically in a sense society is not as advanced as we think it is our technology is far more advanced than our social psychology which is a real big problem and that's that's going to be one of the biggest challenges to world cultures to every nation on the planet is overcoming this challenge here it's a real big problem it's like a a global addiction the good news is is that you can at least for yourself personally buck the trend and you know if like if a person was coming into this world just getting born and I could just talk to that person let's say that person had full consciousness and they understood what I was saying they were mature not just a little baby and I could tell that person hey look here's what you got an O to live a really incredible rich and rewarding life huh there's a lot of stuff I want to tell that person it wouldn't just be one thing but I think one of the things at the top of my list would have to be this this principle here just in every situation do the thing that's most emotionally difficult and you're going to come out on top you're going to have amazing money amazing success amazing relationships amazing sex you're going to have pretty much everything you want and the most important thing you're gonna have you can have fulfillment and peace of mind from that and the other most important thing you're going to have at the end of that is you're gonna you're going to die happy having lived that kind of life and I feel confident that you know that person could just take that simple little maxim that I gave them and just apply it in every like literally every situation in life and then by the end of their life not even by the end even just a decade into their life they would be so thankful because they would look back and they'd say oh my god I'm so glad I got that piece of wisdom that insight and that I applied it religiously in every aspect of my life because I can see what the alternative would have been if I didn't do that my life would be just like that person over there it would be just like my dad or just like my mom or just like my friend or just like my you know abusive whoever's in my life or just like that failed business or just like that fat 300-pound a woman that I see at the store who can barely walk because she's stuffed her body with so much [ __ ] [ __ ] food why there's only one reason it's because she's giving her into her emotional weasel and she's not following this advice so you know if you're fed up with the lack of success in your life if you're fed up with crappy relationships if you're fed up with your depression your anxiety and your bad mood if you're fed up with your bad health whatever you're fed up with in life and you really are at this point where it's like [ __ ] leo I need an answer like I really want to change how do I change this I'm tired of bitching and moaning about I'm tired of suffering it how do I actually change it well here's your answer you got to bite this bullet and this is not an answer that you want to hear and this is not an answer that you're going to hear in up like a really popular self-help book this is not an answer you're going to hear in some infomercial on TV this is not an answer you're even going to hear on most YouTube videos most YouTube videos are busy showing you funny cat pictures or music videos or something like that why because it's really not in their favor in a sense it's not in my favor to come up here to tell you this stuff because while I come up here and tell you this stuff um I'm actually losing money when I do that if I came up here and I shot a shorter video if I shot a five-minute video that's had a title that says something like lose 60 pounds by eating chocolate-covered bacon in five weeks if I came up with a title like that and I could I could easily come up with a title like that I'm very tempted to every week to come up with titles like that you know clickbait ii type of titles [ __ ] that you're emotional weasel mind will go for I could come up with that [ __ ] but I would feel a out feel disgusted on the inside to be delivering that kind of content you know and because it's really not helpful to you it feeds into the whole problem that we have in society so actually what I have to do is I have to tell myself [ __ ] you know I could earn more money I could earn a lot more money by coming up here and delivering that kind of content but I don't and so that's exactly the problem is that when a business in general in the society tries to kind of go green it tries to go good it tries to kind of like be ethical it tries to do what's good for you when the business tries to look out for you more than you look out for yourself that's generally a recipe for disaster for that business doesn't usually work out well for that business why do you think fast-food restaurants and even high-end restaurants they don't serve you organic food they serve you the lowest cheapest food they could possibly buy because they don't give a [ __ ] about your health because they know that you don't give a [ __ ] about your health and when a organic fast-food store does open up you don't go there it goes out of business or even if it survives and it stays in business it doesn't earn nearly as much as McDonald's does so this is a huge and a very deep issue and I'll talk about more of this in the future because it's really important that we start to get awareness around this and we start to so get like social consciousness over this because it's a real problem um but just you know some food for thought for you and like I said like I was saying if you're tired of the kind of shitty life you've been living you're not happy with your results you got to bite the bullet stop looking for a magic solution there are no magic solutions here the solution is hard work it's emotional labor it's the thing you don't want to do here's the good news though the good news is that it's not as bad as you think it is it's kind of like jumping into a cold pool yeah it's like it's a pain in the ass I don't want to jump in that cold pool but once I jump in there and I start swimming around for a few minutes like oh I get acclimated it feels comfortable it feels natural it feels refreshing and that's the best way that I can describe transitioning yourself from your lazy Weasley life into a self-actualized life is that it starts to feel refreshing to your spirit so to say so give it a try stop giving in to your emotional weasel alright this is Leo I'm signing off go ahead post me your comments down below click the like button please share this with a friend maybe a lazy friend and then come sign up and check out actualized org this is my website it's got free content on it got some exclusive content on it got some courses in a book list on it I release a newsletter with new content every single week you know despite the fact that this is not the most profitable thing that I could be doing to me is a rewarding thing that I do I like going deep on these topics I like helping people to understand their psychology umm the reason I like that is because I know how powerful it is but it also requires wisdom on your part because a lot of people they kind of watch these videos they watch one or two and then they don't really do anything about it and they miss out on what's possible with these videos what's possible is that if you watch these videos every single week has a release more content and then you take baby steps and do a little bit of the exercise that I tell you to do take some of the action that I tell you to do build some of the habits that I tell you to do then over the next few years what's going to happen if you do this consistently is you're going to develop psychological self mastery you're going to develop a deeper self mastery then like a PhD psychology professor has and what that's going to allow you to do is to literally construct whatever kind of life you want and your life is going to take on flavors of of joy and beauty and not just these wonderful high consciousness qualities that very few people ever tap into and kind of my mission is to help more people tap into that so you know if you can see the potential in that if you have the wisdom to see that if you're not just a little magic pill solution then I recommend you stick around sign up and you'll see some big changes changes you might not even be able to stat this point because this stuff goes extremely deep and I'm excited to go deep with you on it so sign up stay tuned and I'll see you soon you